August Recipe – A Winter Warmer

August – Brussels Sprouts with Bacon and Walnuts


1 Cup chopped bacon 

3 Cups of Brussel Sprouts cut in half

1 Cup roughly chopped walnuts

1/2 Cup Cranberries

1 Cup Chicken Stock for sauté



* Put Brussel Sprouts in large frying pan, add in chopped bacon sauté adding in a little of the chicken stock.

* When they turn bright green and begin to soften add in a walnuts and cranberries. 

* Add in more stock to keep from sticking.

* Don’t over cook!

* Just sauté them until everything melds and they reach the tenderness you like.

* Season with salt and pepper and serve warm

Note from Tania

My sister, Fiona, is a sensational cook, I love everything she makes, in particular this recipe. It’s really nice served with a side of mashed (almost puréed) cauliflower…or mashed potatoe. Like me I reckon you could eat this by the bucket loads. 

Enjoy, TK x