April Honey Pot

How did I get into Bees you might ask?

Well now, I really have to thank my brother Greg for making it a reality for me.

You see, a couple of years ago I remember watching a YouTube video about a Father and Son duo from Byron Bay who had invented a new type of Bee Hive – The Flow Hive. I was fascinated with how you could extract delicious, raw honey from a hive without the usual mess that comes with the more traditional hives.

I got very excited about this Flow Hive invention and began to tell anyone and everyone who was interested in hearing about the revelation to the Bee Industry.

Fast track about 6 months, to July, when to my absolute delight, what should arrive in the ‘mail’ for me, but my very own Flow Hive, a birthday gift from my brother Greg and beautiful sister in-law, Maryen.

It came flat packed, which scares me at the best of times however, Greg came armed to my home with his arsenal  of tools. 3 Hours later, standing ever so proudly in my back yard was my magnificent little Flow Hive, all I needed now were the Bees!

Now you don’t just go out to the bush and randomly steal a beehive, there is quite a process involved but all for good reason.

My next mission was to join my local Amateur Bee Club. My sister, Fiona and I joined together because she too was just as fascinated and interested in keeping bees and I. Joining the Club was probably the most important thing for us to do. All of the other members were so knowledgeable and they welcomed us into the fold. It was evident from the start their passion for everything ‘Bees’ was exceptional and Fiona and I would soon follow suit.

Together we did an Introductory Course and then attended quite a few Open Days with our Club to learn everything we possibly could about Bees. It was like entering a whole new world. The more we learned the more intrigued we became with these little creatures. My respect and admiration for them skyrocketed, never again would I see a Bee as an annoying little insect that could pack a real punch in the sting department! 

A few months past where my Flow Hive sat vacant, waiting for the ‘conditions’ to be right before we could welcome my very own hive to their new home. 

Many factors must be considered when you move a hive from one location to another. Wind, rain, smoke haze, drought must all be taken into account. Bees rely on their extraordinarily accurate inner GPS to guide them back to the hive to the Queen Bee.  So once you have decided on where you Hive is to be situated, it’s important not to be moving it. Even a couple of feet can confuse the bees.

In addition, finding a hive with a ‘calm’ Queen Bee is vital to the happiness and overall harmony of the hive. The Queen nature pretty much dictates how content the rest of the bees are.

I was extremely lucky to buy a brood from one of the Bee Club members. She had 9 Hives of her own and was ‘downsizing’. The brood came with the most delightful, happy Queen Bee, I know this because when I do have cause to inspect the hive, they go about their business not really caring that I am invading their home. Each morning when I go out to see them and usually sing a song to them, they are unperturbed by my presence however, I am sure I can see smiles on their little faces.

They say Bees have a remarkable ‘facial recognition’ skill. This ability apparently helps them identify particular varieties of flowers when out foraging. I wonder if the same applies when it comes to people? Maybe they ‘know’ me after all!

I hope you have enjoyed reading about how got into Bees, perhaps this has inspired you to get a hive of your own or join your local Bee Club.

Until next time, when I share with you more Stories From The Hive – think of me when you enjoying your honey on toast and the wonderful work our Honey Bees do.