
Don’t Bore Us, Give Us The Chorus

There is a great saying in the top-selling book, 

The Craft Of Lyric Writing by Sheila Davis – 

“Don’t Bore Us, Give Us The Chorus”

I learned this little tip whilst reading about songwriting and the importance of “getting to the point of the song”, as opposed to waffling on verse after verse.

One day whilst I was tinkering on the piano, I thought it would be fun to film just the chorus of various songs and share them with you. So I set my iPhone up on a tripod and began recording…

As you will see, I have filmed some of these segments at home or whilst I have been travelling the country or sometimes even backstage at gigs. 

The songs I choose might be my originals, or covers whatever feels good at the time. Occasionally I even invite a special guest to perform with me!

So, Don’t’ Bore Us, Give Us The Chorus…

Feel free to sing along because ‘everyone’ knows the Chorus.

Love TK