July TK Adventures

As I sip on a long black coffee at 30 000 feet flying over the red heart of beautiful Queensland, I am Northern Territory bound. Waves of excitement rush over me as I think about my next adventure and all it has in store! I am off to Daly River for the 21st Club Marine Insurance Barra Nationals!

No, I am not competing in the event, I’ll leave that to the professionals. Over the next seven days my job will be to present a concert on one of the evenings as well as interview many of the 180 competitors, and the all-important sponsors, as I work alongside freelance cameraman Johnny Walker (don’t you just love that name). Together we will motor up and down the mighty Daly River hopping from boat to boat, chatting with the teams about everything from rods to lures to their own secret in catching the elusive Barramundi.

I had always wanted to go to Daly River and in particular, see what the Barra Nationals were all about. I guess it’s one of those events you just have to put on your ‘bucket list’!

When the booking came into my office to be a part of the event, I immediately thought, “I’ll give my mates at Apollo Motorhomes a call.” I knew they would have the vehicle best suited for the job plus I’d be doing the trip in comfort and style! Vehicle reliability was also particularly important to me as I was ‘flying solo’ this time!

After arriving in Darwin, I checked into my hotel for the night. I decided to have a walk around the city centre. It had been eight years since I had last visited the Territory’s capital. And WOW it sure has changed! I couldn’t believe how much the city has grown! Everywhere I turned I spied another new corporate building or residential high-rise development. Business was booming!

The city was a-buzz with people spilling onto the footpaths from the myriad of alfresco bars and restaurants. One thing that really stood out to me was the number of diverse nationalities enjoying the balmy evening. Suntanned backpackers from France, America, Germany, Sweden, you name it, there was a symphony of dialects ringing down the ever popular Mitchell Street!

Saturday morning couldn’t come quick enough. I sprang out of bed, excited to be picking up my Apollo motorhome, which would be my home for the next week. Soon I would be on the road heading south to Daly River.

As my taxi arrived at the Apollo depot, Cory, from the Guest Services team ran me through everything I would need to know about the spacious 27’ Euro Deluxe Motorhome, ensuring my journey was smooth sailing all the way.

I was really impressed with how immaculate the vehicle was presented even though it had clocked over 42 000 km. However, I was even more impressed with Cory and his attention to detail. Before too long I was heading down the Stuart Highway with a grin from ear to ear, I was livin’ the dream!

Darwin Apollo Motorhome Team

Three hours later having travelled through some spectacular countryside after the recent summer rains, I pulled into Banyan Park, home to the Barra Nationals and my camp for the next week. The Park owners Wally and Kerry were delightful and very welcoming. I felt at home straight away.

I wound my way through the leafy park and found my site. I always have a little chuckle to myself when fellas see a girl driving a motorhome or towing a caravan, I just know they are thinking, “she’ll never park that rig in there…” but there is one thing I have learnt and always remember, “never let the size intimidate you!” Now, I’m all for chivalry and the first to let a man take the lead, however there are some cases, like this one, when a girl has gotta do what a girl knows she can do!

I backed the Apollo motorhome onto the site, without any fuss. The vehicle was super easy to maneuver, I have to say, the reversing camera made it a breeze. My only advice is, just keep an eye on what’s above you, such as low hanging branches. The clearance for this vehicle is 3.7 metres, but I suggest you call that 4 metres, to be sure.

With the power plugged in, water and sullage hoses connected, gas turned on heating up the hot water, awning out, and bed made, I was set up all within about 15 minutes. I love that this rig has its own separate shower and toilet, a real luxury!

One of the many great benefits in hiring a motorhome like this one is everything you need is available with the rental. Crockery, cutlery, glassware, cooking utensils, bedding and linen, camp chairs and table, gas bottles, even the water tank was full. Another great feature is the good-size fridge. Time to mix a cold G&T, with lots of ice and a twist of lime in a tall glass and relax before my official duties commence this evening.

There are three sleeping choices in the Apollo, a queen-size bed area above the driver’s cab, the second, where the dinette can convert to a double and also at the rear, larger dining area which can convert to another double. I chose the queen size above the driver’s cabin, purely because I didn’t want to be making the bed each day and I’d have more room to set up my work space. The bed did not disappoint and after a great sleep, day one of the Barra Nationals kicked off without a hitch.

Cameraman Johnny Walker


Competition Day 1

Cameraman Johnny Walker and I hit the water early and got straight into interviewing the fishermen and women. I think I learnt more in one day about lures, rods, reels, fish finders, depth sounders and how barramundi think, than I have in my whole life! A few good size barra’s were caught which sent a flurry of optimism among the competitors, everyone enthusiastic about catching a big barra with one goal in mind, to go home with the title of Barra Nationals Champion.

I was delighted to receive an email from Apollo Customer Assist Holidays, only 24 hours after picking up the vehicle. Cory was contacting me to check if I’d settled into my motorhome OK. He also attached a few ’troubleshooting’ YouTube video links for me, just in case I’d forgotten those all-important tips he had briefed me with on pick up. I was really grateful to receive this as I had a little issue with the toilet cassette. Just one minute later after viewing the link the problem was fixed!

The Daly River or ‘The Daly’, as the locals fondly refer to it, begins where the Katherine and Flora Rivers intersect and flows across the northwestern portion of the Northern Territory to the Timor Sea. In the wet season The Daly can rise some 17 metres overnight and subside just as quickly. There are plenty of salt and freshwater crocs to stop you from dipping in your toes. To watch the sunrise over The Daly is like an elixir for your soul, sunset is equally as nourishing and inspiring.

Territory lads, Team Costa, were crowned Champions for 2016, with the biggest barra caught during the week measuring an impressive 116 cm. The thrill of watching the boys land such a huge fish made it very clear to me why this sport can be so addictive.

All too soon, the Barra Nationals had come to an end for another year. As I drove my Apollo back to Darwin, I felt so incredibly lucky to have been a part of this fabulous event and having had the great privilege of meeting so many wonderful people in the process.

The one thing about the Barra Nationals is, no matter where you come from, whether you are a company CEO, a tradie, a truck driver, an owner operator or maybe a retiree, the camaraderie was strong and apparent to me. The kind of friendships that are formed at the Nationals clearly will stand the test of time but I guess that’s the magic of fishing. Even if you don’t actually catch a fish, you can at least have a few drinks and yarn with your newfound mates about the one that got away! One week later, I completed my journey and back to where it all began. The friendly faces at Apollo, Darwin, were there to greet me once again. As I turned off the engine and closed the cabin door, I was already planning the next time I would climb aboard an Apollo motorhome and follow the black top, ticking off another of my many ‘bucket list’ adventures along the way.

I’ll look forward to sharing more TK Adventures with you next month. In the meantime, brush the dust off your map of Australia, roll it out on the kitchen table and start planning your next adventure. There is so much to see and enjoy and it’s waiting for you!

Happy Travels, TK x